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Family Estate Archival Services

Personal Property Inventories for Individuals, Executors & Beneficiaries

While estate planning primarily focuses on the disposition of financial assets, for individuals with significant or valuable personal belongings, it makes sense to plan for the disposition of your most important property too. An inventory clarifies your wishes and consolidates all critical information about your property in one place. 


Unfortunately, we’re not all proactive. One of the most difficult tasks after the death of a loved one is dealing with the contents of their home. Everyone amasses personal property, and the inevitable first step is what to do with their “stuff.” It’s difficult figuring out where to begin, who will help, and what to do with it all. An estate inventory is a powerful, efficient, and effective tool for executors and beneficiaries managing these decisions.


What We Do

Shelley Diamond Archival Solutions prepares customized personal property inventories for family estates using efficient information gathering methods, easy to use software, and cloud-based and backup storage options. We help you assemble critical documentation about your property and can arrange services with other professionals as needed (e.g. appraisals, donations, movers).


How It Works

We provide complimentary phone consultations and on-site estimates. Our fees are based on the volume of personal property, extent of services required, and the time involved. We bill at half day and full day rates.  

Our Estate Inventory Services include:

  • ​​Phone and in-home consultations

  • Customized inventory software

  • Photographic documentation

  • Descriptions of property and valuables

  • Organization and scanning of documents

  • Updating services (half-yearly, annual)

  • Advisory services for creating your own inventory

Download our Homeowners brochure.

We’re committed to the protection and safeguarding of your personal information and adhere to the

Society of American Archivists’ Core Values of Archivists and Code of Ethics for Archivists.  Read More.

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