About Us
Shelley Diamond is an experienced, professional archivist uniquely qualified to care for your collection and its multifaceted needs. For two decades she was Senior Archivist at JPMorgan Chase & Co., developing plans and procedures for the preservation of the bank's vast and varied historical collections.

Shelley supervised all aspects of collection management, including the organization, cataloging and housing of fragile historical materials and works of art including photography, paintings, sculptures, antiques, decorative arts, rare currency, advertising and press materials, department and executive records, brochures, blueprints, broadsides and other artifacts – both analog and digital. Shelley also oversaw a wide range of research and education projects and curated multiple exhibitions devoted to the bank’s history. She was editor and co-author of The history of JPMorgan Chase & Co. (2012).
She holds a master’s degree in Library and Information Science (MSLIS) and a Certificate in the Advanced Study in Archives from the Palmer School of Library and Information Science, Long Island University, and a bachelor’s degree in Art History from Vassar College. She’s a member of the Society of American Archivists (SAA), Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference (MARAC) and the Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan NY (ART).
Before directing her passion to the preservation and care of collections, Shelley was a television news producer at ABC News in New York.